Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Twinkie Connection

Psalm 139 says I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I believe that, but I also believe that I was uniquely blessed with a twin sister who, aside from the mysterious connection I had with the mother who birthed us, has been connected to me in some form or fashion since birth. She was my first introduction to being connected.

We spent 9 months together like twinkies, then popped out 2 minutes apart at 1:44 and 1:46 am on a brisk fall day in New Jersey. (I am older, just to stall your curiosity) She's the blonde; I've still got the original color. We have been through thick and thin, years of connecting at all hours of the day and night have cemented our prenatal relationship into a real, authentic sister connection. Yeah, we do have that twin thing going...she senses when I am needing her and visa versa. How incredible to have someone so perceptive in your life.

Maybe you don't have a twin or a sister, but you have a sister-in-law or a good friend. You know who I am talking about, someone who just gets you. It's a blessing to have that on earth; it's an even greater blessing to know that type of relationship for eternity.

As much as I treasure who my sister Carlee is, there is One whose friendship I hold on to even tighter. It's my relationship with God through His unbelievably faithful Son, Jesus. If I do or say anything of value in this lifetime, it is only by His provision that it is done. I hope you know a friend who is closer than a brother or sister. (Proverbs 18:24)

In John 15:15, Jesus tells us that as his friends, he will share with us what he has learned from his Father. That's some pretty significant connecting. I trust you know Jesus as a friend in your life. If not, I hope that this blog encourages you to check Him out. He wants a connection with you, and He gave up his life to prove it.

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